Sunday 1 July 2012

Day 1 Response Able

     Have you ever thought to yourself that Humanity could do better? That maybe we should have done away with poverty, starvation and war by now. Hell we haven’t even done away with prejudice, child abuse, rape or even sexually objectifying each other. What exactly is the hold up here anyway?
     Well for one thing most of us are expecting someone else to do it for us; maybe our responsible respectable politicians, our all powerful and loving god, some of us are even hoping some enlightened beings will show up from another planet and show us how to fix ourselves up. All this hope of someone/something outside ourselves will step up and take care of us and the abuse of life on this planet falls neatly into the category of distraction; boy oh boy are we ever distracted, even while typing here I stop in distraction at the thought of describing all the distractions (what a mess).
     Obviously there is always plenty to do to maintain or increase our own comfort, survival, and self image as ego in our own personal lives; then maybe we have to keep up with our favourite sports team, TV series or video game. I ask you; where do you think we would be as a species if in this life every time we asked someone “how do I look in these clothes?” was replaced with “how do we fix this shared reality?”?????
     There is group of people that are in fact busy changing themselves to BECOME the change necessary to bring about a world that is best for all life equally within the principles of equality and oneness. They call themselves Destonians; these people use the tools of self forgiveness and self corrective application to recreate themselves into responsible beings that stand up for life, equal and one as life to bring about a world that is best for all.
   Through writing out self forgiveness and self corrective statements one can begin to remove the addiction to distractions in our lives including the distraction of the ever running mind that holds us captive through emotions, beliefs, desires, fear and so on.

If you actually ever thought we could do better and would like to take responsibility for our shared existence please investigate-

Here is day 1 of writting myself to freedom

          I find my self to often whining in my head that I've bin beaten down by others and this thought of being beaten down is also coupled with whining that I was not given a sense of responsibilty, not even defining responsibility for myself until so late in life. I have worked very hard at a work place but always from the point of Ego or fear of loss.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as anger towards past illusion/memories of being threatend and yelled at.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as anger towards past illusion/memories of being picked on.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as feeling guilty for complaining as I'm aware many people have it worse than I do.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to build up an energetic experience when I see myself take on more responsibility as I realize I am setting myself up for a crash.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to build up an energetic experience when I see a change in self as I realize I am setting myself up for a crash.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to feel less than others for my past lack of resposibility.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to see responsibility as something separate from myself as I must be responsible/one with responsible, instead of trying to have responsibility as if it were a commodity or something to own.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as anxiety when I see myself sit in idle and in this I forgive myself for accepting and allowing my self to sit Idle.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to let age of becoming responsible be an excuse to feel guilty, causing more waste of time thus compounding guilt and judging self as less than others.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as guilt towards a lack of responsibility to run as a program, as guilt = idle = more guilt = more idle repeating.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be obsessed with responsibility instead of living it one and equal, no longer in seperation from it.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself the thought of proveing my responsibility to others as it causes further seperation while creating future projections (false realities) and at the same time I forgive myself for accepting and allowing the idea to prove responsibility to myself as it creates seperation as future projections.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realize I have bin giving my resposibility to the mind to direct me as it is so comfortable and easy to do.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realize there is only so much I can do in a day as I have to work with consequences time and resources.
I commit myself to not let the past tell me who I am or who I'm going to be and simply be life, equal and one to all life.
I commit myself to stop complaining as the mind I stop the thoughts do self forgiveness and come back to our shared reality here as breath.
I commit myself to stop building up happy thought energy as I reflect over changes I see in myself no more looking back in time at 'a succesful day' as it causes seperation as the past is not HERE!
I commit myself to no longer cause seperation from myself as letting the mind tell me who I am as the past is not proof of who I am in reality.
I commit myself to fully realize any change is what I become and not a goal or something to own.
I commit myself to fully realize we are all programed from our environment and any judgment between self and others is not practicle.
I commit myself to stop myself as the mind by not dwelling on what I see myself lacking in, I stop bring myself back to reality as breath speaking self forgiveness when neccesary.
I commit myself to no longer accept and allow the mind to run as future projections of possible tasks and the desired outcome of proof of who I am.
I commit myself to no longer accept and allow the mind to direct me in lazyness and instead become self directed in every moment of every breath.
I further commit myself to continue the practice of self forgivness and take on what comes to me with in the confines of what is actually here as I am limited by the mind, time, and responsibilities I am already taking on.

Thanks for reading.

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