Here I am going to
open up the point of fear of doing things wrong. Well this is a fear that can
definitely get in the way of change, so there are definitely consequences for
allowing this fear to direct me, what I am able to realize is that doing something
the wrong way can mean not doing something perfect or getting a opposite or
negative outcome compared to the desired outcome. There of course is often the
possibility that someone could tell me I am doing something wrong either to
help or to judge and in that I have to ask myself if it really matters which is
true. When it comes down to doing something perfect, if I am going to do
something different or new then doing it wrong first will often be required.
Avoiding any possible chance of doing something that will actually do harm omg
my imagination can go on forever coming up with possible negative outcomes
towards an action I take. So I will do some self forgiveness on ‘doing it
wrong’ and I’ll do my best to not unravel all of space and time J.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as fear of
being judged for doing something the wrong way as if it is required that I
please other people in the performing of a task.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as fear of
showing weakness if someone sees they cause a reaction in me after mentioning
I’m doing something wrong.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to go into
negative emotional reaction towards someone saying I’m doing something the
wrong way.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as fear
when considering doing something different or new as I will likely not be perfect
at it making my self image vulnerable as it is possible someone would judge, I
realize in this that there are consequences to giving into this fear such as -
inability to change, adapt to different situations or take on responsibility.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as fear of
negative or undesired results when taking on a new responsibility/task as I can
imagine many undesired results in the mind while I am actually doing nothing
for real.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to go into
judgment towards being told I’m doing something wrong instead of just
considering if I can do better.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to
participate with projections of desired outcomes instead of living responsibly
as I give power to undesired outcomes to create more fear and guilt and
suppressed self responsible expression. The question to ask is: If I create a
consequence that is bad for all do I stop creating myself as being that stands
for what is best for all? No!
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as fear
through my obsession with cause and effect which is just fear of the unknown
and it would be just crazy to ask all the butterflies to stop flapping their
wings. Honestly if I can’t move to take responsibility then what, leave it to
fate or other people? No!
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to rely on
knowledge and information as I created a need to know all possible
consequences- instead of committing to the direction of becoming a being that
stands up responsibly for what is best for all life equally. If not this
direction then what? I can become a being that stands for screw you? Which also
requires screw me.
I commit myself to stop participation with fear of being
judged about my performance within taking on tasks and stop the limitation of
this fear by replacing it with self direction in the physical here as breath.
I commit myself to stop my self accepted limitation as an ego
and not create future projections of being criticized, if and when criticism
occurs I take it as possible support from the physical.
When taking on something new, difficult, uncomfortable or
unfamiliar I commit myself to be fully aware I will most likely not perform
perfectly, I stop participation with need want and desire for results and I commit
myself to train myself to push through resistance so I can move responsibly.
I commit myself to stop existing in fear of unknown consequences
and stop being so sure to cover my own butt to start to break the chains of acting
in self interest, I stop participating with imagined consequences and breathe
here in the physical self directing in consideration of what is best for all.
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