Friday 2 November 2012

Day63 I'm too nice :)

     Something’s striking me a little funny, there are situations I have to deal with which I like to deal with patience and understanding, I like to give people support and a chance to deal with things in a reasonable amount of time. When I deal with things this way there are a couple people who like to tell me I’m too nice. I’m starting to realize that maybe their right and those people who helped me realize this are probably going to wish they didn’t – at least until the truth stops hurting anyway.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as fear of confronting other peoples abusive behavior in using fear to manipulate other people that is only good for causing friction and suppressing free expression.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realize that when fear is the only thing that motivates someone they use fear to motivate/manipulate other people.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as fear that turns to anger towards those who would challenge -me as an ego- in saying I’m too nice.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as fear of other people getting angry with me if I don’t comply with their demands.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as fear of an angry reaction towards practical common sense and making people see their own abusive behavior.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as fear while seeing an angry expression.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as anger while seeing an angry expression.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as an ego while lmfao about the people who are going to get exactly what they asked for, I realize I’m as guilty as they are and facing ourselves is good medicine.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as fear as I use other peoples lack of understanding as an excuse to not take self responsibility.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not fully realize that fear is manipulating me equal and one with the expression coming from others and this fear must be deleted in me first and foremost.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realize exposing peoples abusive behavior as an act of kindness, understanding the abusive have been abused in part of a long chain of abuse that will continue if left unchallenged.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as anger while losing my temper when things are not going my way so as to perpetuate abusive manipulation, In this I realize I’m kept in check from standing up against abuse as it creates a situation of hypocrisy. So I stand up against my own abusive manipulation first.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as anger as I raise my voice and go into aggressive posturing when my kids don’t want to comply with my want for them to do something like brush their teeth or get ready for school.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as fear of consequences if I don’t get my kids to do certain tasks as I lose patience and express anger because my eye is always on the clock.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to go into a reaction towards my mother when she gets frustrated and angry and so I get angry and frustrated for her so she doesn’t have to be upset.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to perpetuate the use of aggression to raise my children passing on my demons of fear onto them.

I commit myself to show and explain to people that fear is an abusive motivator and to explain that there is such a thing as self movement for the purpose of what is best for all.

I commit myself to stop participating with fear of confronting abusive behavior stopping it in myself and standing against abuse in and as the physical.

I commit myself to not be manipulated as an ego when being told I’m too nice and simply explain the practicality of patience and understanding so we can stop abusing each other.

I commit myself to stop all reaction to angry expressions coming from other people, if someone wants to get mad – I stop I breathe and direct myself to direct the situation to the best possible outcome.

I commit myself to not participate with fear of a reaction from explaining to someone they are being abusive and assist them with as much as they are willing to hear realizing I have also been abusive.

I commit myself to not use others lack of understanding as an excuse to not stand and be self responsible for my actions.

I commit to stop all participation with desired results towards perceptions of what my children need to get done and in this I stop reacting with anger to manipulate them. The aggressive posturing stop at and with me and the manipulation of fear stops; till here no further.

Investigate find out our common ground is beneath our feet and learn the tools of self forgiveness. so all can live a dignified life and end the rat race.

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