Sunday 21 October 2012

Day60 CONtemplation

    CONtemplation –conning myself into believing I’m figuring things out. We can call it processing information, a form of inaction that is so normal it’s simply seen as just the way we are. Who would question such things? Isn’t this how we form opinions? Notice that we don’t need to form facts the facts are already here. The fact about facts is you can use them or you can’t, the fact about opinions is if we keep forming them humanity will never get its act together. What do we CONtemplate? How to get more and how to just keep ourselves safe i.e. self interest, then we form opinions to justify that self interest. This way we will never fully realize what it means to give as we would like to receive. If we can’t decide to do what is best for all in the moment instead of CONtemplating we will CONtinue to CONform as CONsumers propagating world CONflict and life will continue to be abused and neglected. Stop the mind and be the change you want to see in the world.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to get caught up in the con of contemplation as if I am awaiting orders from my programming that will be formed out of an opinion.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to give into the mind to go ahead and figure things out for me only to keep me from self direction and self realizing.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be lulled into a trance through giving into the mind as I contemplate myself right out of the physical reality.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as fear directing me to formulate arguments to protect myself in self interest.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to become entertained through contemplation where I create future projections to amuse myself.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to justify contemplation as normal, not in my control, my nature and form a belief that I can’t stop as I have spent most of my life abdicating my self responsibility to the mind and its habit of contemplation.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not fully realize contemplation= conflict through lack of commitment to what is best for all; so I can justify other actions or just abdicate responsible self direction to the act of contemplation its self and in this I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realize that it is this abdication to the mind and lack of commitment to what is best for all that manifests in the world as war, poverty, starvation and abuse.

I commit myself to stop contemplating myself out of reality so I can get orders from the mind just so the idea of myself can stay safe and get more, if I detect the fear or desire that would pull me into the mind I stop I breathe and self direct in the physical.

I commit myself to self realize and stand up for myself as life; equal and one as all life. If I catch myself giving into the mind and start contemplating; I stop in the realization that I am participating in feeding an idea of self merely an idea protecting itself enslaving life through definition.

I commit myself to stop entertaining myself through contemplation that would keep me in the mind and away from responsible self direction.

I will no longer justify contemplation as normal acceptable behavior and I drop the belief that contemplation cannot be stopped, I realize contemplation as self interest and will bring it to a halt with practice as I stop myself if I see myself giving in until I have stopped for ever.

I commit myself to what is best for all life equally to make contemplation irrelevant, to stop conflict with and as myself as life realizing contemplation as useless in the face of self honest self direction to do what is best. I stop, I breathe, I’m here and the self created con dissolves into nothingness.

Learn to utilize the tools of self forgiveness at

And please investigate


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