Tuesday 23 October 2012

Day61 inconsiderate

     There were two points today where I had gotten a little angry at people for being inconsiderate; the first incident was when I was walking with my kids – as we were walking up to the corner a man came barreling up to the stop sign so as to just be careful enough to not crash into any cars, the way he was driving was quite inconsiderate to us and it could of even turned out that someone got hurt if I wasn’t watching. The second incident was when my daughter was sitting on the floor in the living room and she started grinding her foot on her brothers coloring book which I considered being inconsiderate to her brother.

     Now I see in my anger (I did keep in check to a certain degree) was a reflection of myself as I was being inconsiderate; not considering that it takes time for a child to learn to consider her surroundings as she is new to this reality and it’s my job to help her learn how to be considerate to other people, what’s going on around her and her world as a whole. I was also inconsiderate towards the man in the truck speeding down the road as he probably was not raised by parents who understood what it takes to raise a child to be considerate and I’m sure there is plenty of factors that add up to this man flying down the road. Many of us never grow up to be considerate of others let alone be considerate of reality as a whole, not considering what we can do for those who suffer poverty or abuse or the environment we continuously poison. Maybe it’s time to redefine what it means to be a grown up from an age or biological change to being considerate to all life equally.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as anger towards others being inconsiderate and not realizing this anger is just a reflection of myself being inconsiderate.

 I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be impatient with my children while not considering the time and effort it takes to teach a child to be considerate and in this I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be impatient with self as I try to rush my parenting/teaching.

 I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as fear of my children reflecting my lack of consideration as it is known that children mimic their parents behavior and I would be judged according to their behavior.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to parent out of self interest and fear of judgment.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself for judging myself as less than for parenting out of self interest and impatience while conjuring images from the past of myself as impatient.

I commit myself to stop participating with anger towards people being inconsiderate and not pass judgment on myself or others for being inconsiderate.

I commit myself to raise my children with patience and understand that it takes time to learn to consider the world and people around you.

I commit myself to stop judging myself through my children’s actions and stop projecting that judgment onto others. If I feel judged by others because of my children’s actions I stop the participation with judgment right away and breathe myself here in the physical.



Investigate http://desteni.org/ find out our common ground is beneath our feet and learn the tools of self forgiveness.

http://equalmoney.org/ so all can live a dignified life and end the rat race.


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