Monday 3 September 2012

Day31 I was starving-Day dream

     So in my last post I took on the memories of when I was not nice or evil, and I mentioned at the beginning that I day dreamed a lot and I want to take on one particular day dream that sticks out.
     I remember day dreaming when I was a child; that I was in the place of someone who was starving to death somewhere over on the other side of the world and in this day dream, everyone over here in north America was doing everything they could to get to me working frantically to do whatever they could to get to me; I mean obviously I was dying, suffering and scared of course they are all trying to get to me.
      You know… I’m compelled to believe that even in the seemingly coldest human being that justifies this kind of suffering that at some level they know it’s not OK and the fact that this kind of suffering exists has to be effecting them subconsciously somehow. So if I’m right I have to suggest that people stop hiding from it, stop letting it just sit back there somewhere in your mind, I mean it’s maybe not cool to put pressure on people to stand up against the bull shit in the world but it can’t be good for you to be suppressing the knowledge of suffering that takes place. For fuck sakes it’s time we start kicking and screaming knocking down whatever is in our way to find the solution to this mess.

     I’ve never shared this day dream with anyone, probably because there was never really a plan or because there is something wrong with dreamers. I found a plan, the equal money system presented by desteni; I love this plan, if it’s not good enough for you maybe you can find something better but go look or create a plan or find some people to work out a plan with, but do something.  Consider passing on the equal money system to others and consider being a yes vote for equal money when the time comes.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be a bad friend to people I know because if they would have come out of a vagina in a place where starvation exists and then had to go through the suffering of starvation I would have done very little in my life to stop their suffering.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as negative self image due to the belief that there was nothing I could do to stop the abuse and unnecessary suffering that exists in this world.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to suppress the want to end starvation and speak out, in this I see the separation I created in past images and future projections as wants, needs and desires.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as fear of being judged as ‘trying to be a hero’ or trying to be special in trying to find a solution to suffering in this world.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to exist in alternate realities where I see people judging me or trying to help me get away from the group that has offered an opportunity to work for everything I’ve been looking for like the self mastery, the quiet mind, peace on earth, the end of starvation and poverty, dealing with my programming that I came to realize through books on neurology, oneness I realize through basic physics and the equality that comes with it but is obviously not shown in our shared reality and giving me the piece of the puzzle that I was missing; my responsibility in all this.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as fear of the unknown as not knowing I will not turn my back on this opportunity to become the change I want to see in this world.

I commit myself to give myself the gift of seeing myself stand up for life and end the suppression of myself, I stop the pictures in the mind, the back chat and desires for the end of needless suffering and become one and equal to the work of changing the world.

I commit myself to stop the fear that I will not continue on to change myself to stand up for all life equally. I commit myself to stop judging other as judgmental or not being able to understand why and what I am doing.


Investigate and learn the tools of self forgiveness. so all can live a dignified life and end the rat race.


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