Sunday 19 August 2012

Day18 kept in line character

Today I had to diffuse a situation where my daughter became scared and then began crying after being yelled at the one doing the yelling was told “that’s not how you deal with a kid” I felt an energy rise up as anxiety towards being told what all I do wrong.

 I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to go into anxiety when having to diffuse an emotional situation that might come back at me in the form of what I’ve done wrong.

 I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as fear of my past failings as if they can be used as a weapon.

 I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to connect speaking or speaking-up to physical pain.

 I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as fear of the unknown, not trusting myself to be able to deal with what comes up as a situation evolves.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as an ego that can be damaged by words as I would have to face the negative self image I am suppressing as a failure in life. (Four count breath) I see here how I am part of and have been supporting a system that promotes self image/ego and sets us up to fail as ego, where we do not value and honor ourselves and each other as life.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to exist as a reflection/judgment of my current situation instead of who I am as life.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not fully realize the illusion that holds us all captive as life; in the positive negative polarity play outs of the mind as ego.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself as sadness towards what we have accepted and allowed in our shared existence, in this I see how I allow myself to exist in separation not stopping the sadness that exists in me of what I have accepted and allowed myself to become.

I commit myself to take on any emotional situation that comes up in my reality one breath at a time; I do this in self trust and self honesty in the physical with no choice, only as ‘what’s best for all’ as I proved to myself today living what’s best for all -with no choice- allowed me to diffuse a situation that could have ruined a fun time, it was actually quite easy.

 I commit myself to; when in a moment self image comes into view to stop, come back into the physical aware of and as breath and realize self image as the illusion it is continuing the use of self forgiveness to remove the illusion I created and have become equal and one to.

I commit myself to continue this journey in self responsibility as what needs to change in self to be able to take responsibility in our shared reality in line with ‘what is best for all’.

Investigate to learn how to change self for the purpose of what is best for all life equally.

Investigate to stop the abuse of life on earth so all can have a dignified life.

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